こんなにある make の句動詞!make for 、 make up 、 make out

make の句動詞をマスターしたいよ!

英語の句動詞(Phrasal Verbs)は、動詞に前置詞や副詞(またはその両方)が組み合わさって、新しい意味を作り出す表現。句動詞は日常会話やカジュアルな文章でよく使われ、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な響きがある。ただし、その意味が単語の組み合わせから直感的に推測しにくい場合もあるため、学習者にとっては覚えるのが少し難しい部分もある。


  1. 意味の多様性: 同じ動詞でも、付く前置詞や副詞によって意味が大きく変わる(例: “come up” = 出てくる、”come down” = 下がる)。
  2. 分離可能性: 他動詞の場合、目的語が句動詞の間に挟まるか後ろにくるかで文法が変わることがある(例: “pick up the book” または “pick it up”)。
  3. 文脈依存: 状況や文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある。

1. 分離可能な句動詞 (Separable Phrasal Verbs)


Make up

何かを構成する、作り上げる、化粧する、または嘘をつくことを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “make it up”)。同義語: constitute, invent, apply makeup, fabricate。
“Friends make up a big part of my life.”

“She made up a funny song on the spot.”

“He made up his face for the costume party.”

“The kids made up a wild story about aliens.”

Make out

何かを判別する、書き出す、または性的な意味で親密になることを指す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “make it out”)。同義語: distinguish, write out, get intimate。
“I can’t make out the handwriting on this note.”

“She made out a check for the payment.”

“They were making out in the back of the car.”

“He made out a list of things to buy.”

Make over

外見や物を変える、改造することを表す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “make it over”)。同義語: transform, renovate。
“She made over her old dress into a skirt.”

“They made over the house with new paint.”

“He got a makeover and looks totally different.”

Make through

困難を乗り切ることを意味する(非公式)。目的語を間に挟める(例: “make it through”)。同義語: get through, survive。
“We made it through the tough winter.”

“She made through the exam with hard work.”

“They made through the crisis together.”

2. 分離不可能な句動詞 (Inseparable Phrasal Verbs)


Make into

何かを別のものに変えることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: transform into, convert into。
“She made the old shirt into a bag.”

“They made the book into a movie.”

“He made his garage into a workshop.”

Make with

何かをするか提供するよう促す、カジュアルな表現。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: get on with, produce。
“Make with the music, let’s dance!”

“He made with the cash when we needed it.”

“Come on, make with the explanation already!”

3. 自動詞型の句動詞 (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)


Make for

何かの方へ進む、またはある結果をもたらすことを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: head for, lead to。
“She made for the exit as soon as the meeting ended.”

“He made for the hills when the storm started.”

“A good night’s sleep makes for a productive day.”

Make towards

特定の方向や目標に向かって進むことを表す。目的語を取らない。同義語: move towards, aim for。
“They made towards the city center.”

“The boat made towards the shore in the fog.”

“She made towards her dream of becoming a doctor.”

Make up

和解することを指す(この用法では目的語を取らない)。同義語: reconcile, patch up。
“They made up after their argument.”

“The kids made up after fighting over the toy.”

“We finally made up and hugged it out.”

Make out

成功する、見聞きが難しい状況で理解することを意味する(この用法では目的語を取らない)。同義語: succeed, discern。
“He’s making out well in his new job.”

“How did you make out in the exam?”

“They were making out fine despite the challenges.”

Make off

急いで逃げる、または立ち去ることを表す。目的語を取らない。同義語: run off, escape。
“The thief made off with the jewels.”

“She made off when she saw the police.”

“They made off before anyone noticed.”

4. 3語の句動詞 (Three-Word Phrasal Verbs)


Make up for

不足や損失を補う、埋め合わせをすることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: compensate for, atone for。
“He made up for lost time by working late.”

“She made up for her mistake with an apology.”

“They made up for the delay with extra effort.”

Make out of

特定の状況や材料から何かを作り出すことを指す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: create from, turn into。
“They made a game out of cleaning the house.”

“She made a story out of her travels.”

“He made a profit out of selling old clothes.”

Make up with

誰かと和解して関係を修復することを表す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: reconcile with, mend fences with。
“She made up with her friend after the fight.”

“He made up with his brother over dinner.”

“They made up with each other and laughed it off.”

Make off with

何かを持って逃げる、盗むことを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: run off with, steal。
“The robber made off with all the cash.”

“She made off with my favorite book!”

“They made off with the prize before the ceremony.”

Make over to

何かを正式に譲渡することを意味する(法律的・フォーマルな文脈)。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: transfer to, hand over to。
“He made over the property to his son.”

“She made over her shares to the charity.”

“They made over the estate to their heirs.”


Make up
“Friends make up a big part of my life.”

“She made up a funny song on the spot.”

“He made up his face for the costume party.”

“The kids made up a wild story about aliens.”

Make out
“I can’t make out the handwriting on this note.”

“She made out a check for the payment.”

“They were making out in the back of the car.”

“He made out a list of things to buy.”

Make over
“She made over her old dress into a skirt.”

“They made over the house with new paint.”

“He got a makeover and looks totally different.”

Make through
“We made it through the tough winter.”

“She made through the exam with hard work.”

“They made through the crisis together.”

Make into
“She made the old shirt into a bag.”

“They made the book into a movie.”

“He made his garage into a workshop.”

Make with
“Make with the music, let’s dance!”

“He made with the cash when we needed it.”

“Come on, make with the explanation already!”

Make for
“She made for the exit as soon as the meeting ended.”

“He made for the hills when the storm started.”

“A good night’s sleep makes for a productive day.”

Make towards
“They made towards the city center.”

“The boat made towards the shore in the fog.”

“She made towards her dream of becoming a doctor.”

Make up
“They made up after their argument.”

“The kids made up after fighting over the toy.”

“We finally made up and hugged it out.”

Make out
“He’s making out well in his new job.”

“How did you make out in the exam?”

“They were making out fine despite the challenges.”

Make off
“The thief made off with the jewels.”

“She made off when she saw the police.”

“They made off before anyone noticed.”

Make up for
“He made up for lost time by working late.”

“She made up for her mistake with an apology.”

“They made up for the delay with extra effort.”

Make out of
“They made a game out of cleaning the house.”

“She made a story out of her travels.”

“He made a profit out of selling old clothes.”

Make up with
“She made up with her friend after the fight.”

“He made up with his brother over dinner.”

“They made up with each other and laughed it off.”

Make off with
“The robber made off with all the cash.”

“She made off with my favorite book!”

“They made off with the prize before the ceremony.”

Make over to
“He made over the property to his son.”

“She made over her shares to the charity.”