Take の句動詞をまなびたい!take over 、 take out 、 take up
take の句動詞をまなびたいよ!
英語の句動詞(Phrasal Verbs)は、動詞に前置詞や副詞(またはその両方)が組み合わさって、新しい意味を作り出す表現。句動詞は日常会話やカジュアルな文章でよく使われ、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な響きがある。ただし、その意味が単語の組み合わせから直感的に推測しにくい場合もあるため、学習者にとっては覚えるのが少し難しい部分もある。
- 意味の多様性: 同じ動詞でも、付く前置詞や副詞によって意味が大きく変わる(例: “come up” = 出てくる、”come down” = 下がる)。
- 分離可能性: 他動詞の場合、目的語が句動詞の間に挟まるか後ろにくるかで文法が変わることがある(例: “pick up the book” または “pick it up”)。
- 文脈依存: 状況や文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある。
1. 分離可能な句動詞 (Separable Phrasal Verbs)
Take up
何かを始める、持ち上げる、または時間や空間を占めることを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it up”)。同義語: begin, lift, occupy。
“She took up yoga to stay healthy.”
“He took up the heavy box with ease.”
“The meeting took up most of the afternoon.”
“They took up the issue with the boss.”
Take out
外に連れ出す、取り除く、または攻撃することを指す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it out”)。同義語: remove, extract, attack。
“He took her out for dinner.”
“She took out the splinter with tweezers.”
“The boxer took out his opponent in one punch.”
“They took out a loan to start the business.”
Take over
支配する、引き継ぐことを表す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it over”)。同義語: seize, assume。
“The company took over its rival last year.”
“She took over the project after he left.”
“The rebels took over the city overnight.”
Take off
脱ぐ、削除する、または模倣することを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it off”)。同義語: remove, mimic, depart。
“He took off his jacket when he got home.”
“She took off the old paint from the walls.”
“The comedian took off the president’s voice perfectly.”
“The plane took off despite the storm.”
Take away
何かを奪う、持ち去る、教訓を得る、または食べ物を持ち帰ることを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it away”)。同義語: remove, confiscate, learn, carry off。
“They took away all the old furniture.”
“The teacher took away his phone during class.”
“What I took away from the talk was hope.”
“She ordered food to take away from the restaurant.”
Take on
仕事や責任を引き受ける、対決する、または特徴を持つことを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it on”)。同義語: accept, challenge, adopt。
“She took on extra work to help the team.”
“He took on the champion in a tough match.”
“The project took on a new meaning after the feedback.”
“They took on too much and got overwhelmed.”
Take back
取り戻す、撤回する、または過去を思い起こさせることを指す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it back”)。同義語: reclaim, retract, remind。
“She took back her old job after a break.”
“He took back his rude comment after apologizing.”
“This song takes me back to my childhood.”
“They took back the defective product.”
Take in
理解する、受け入れる、だます、または服を調整することを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it in”)。同義語: comprehend, accept, deceive, alter。
“He took in everything the teacher said.”
“She took in a stray cat from the street.”
“They took him in with a clever trick.”
“The tailor took in the pants to fit better.”
Take down
書き留める、分解する、または倒すことを表す。目的語を間に挟める(例: “take it down”)。同義語: note, dismantle, defeat。
“She took down the notes during the lecture.”
“He took down the tent after camping.”
“The wrestler took down his opponent quickly.”
“They took down the old sign from the building.”
2. 分離不可能な句動詞 (Inseparable Phrasal Verbs)
Take to
何かや誰かを好きになる、または習慣として始めることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: get used to, like。
“She took to her new teacher immediately.”
“He took to running every morning.”
“They took to each other at the party.”
Take after
外見や性格が似ていることを表す。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: resemble, look like。
“He takes after his father in looks.”
“She takes after her mother’s kindness.”
“The puppy takes after its playful parents.”
Take with
一緒に持っていく、または受け入れることを示す。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: bring along, accept。
“She took with her a sense of adventure.”
“He took with him all his tools.”
“You’ll need to take it with a grain of salt.”
3. 自動詞型の句動詞 (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)
Take off
飛び立つ、急に成功する、または休むことを意味する。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: lift off, succeed, rest。
“The plane took off on time.”
“Her career took off after the promotion.”
“He took off for a few days to relax.”
“The kids took off running when they saw the park.”
Take up
趣味や活動を始める、または場所を占めることを指す。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: start, occupy。
“She took up painting in her free time.”
“He took up the whole sofa with his books.”
“They took up dancing to stay active.”
Take out
外に出る、または何かを排除することを表す。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: go out, remove。
“We took out to celebrate her birthday.”
“He took out the trash before leaving.”
“She took out a loan to buy the car.”
4. 3語の句動詞 (Three-Word Phrasal Verbs)
Take up with
誰かと付き合い始める、または何かを始めることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: associate with, engage in。
“She took up with a new group of friends.”
“He took up with a questionable crowd.”
“They took up with the local charity.”
Take out on
ストレスや怒りを誰かにぶつけることを指す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: vent on, lash out at。
“He took his frustration out on his brother.”
“She took her bad day out on the dog.”
“Don’t take it out on me; it’s not my fault!”
Take over from
誰かから役割や仕事を引き継ぐことを表す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: succeed, replace。
“She took over from the previous manager.”
“He took over from his retiring boss.”
“They took over from the old team last month.”
Take up
“She took up yoga to stay healthy.”
“He took up the heavy box with ease.”
“The meeting took up most of the afternoon.”
“They took up the issue with the boss.”
Take out
“He took her out for dinner.”
“She took out the splinter with tweezers.”
“The boxer took out his opponent in one punch.”
“They took out a loan to start the business.”
Take over
“The company took over its rival last year.”
“She took over the project after he left.”
“The rebels took over the city overnight.”
Take off
“He took off his jacket when he got home.”
“She took off the old paint from the walls.”
“The comedian took off the president’s voice perfectly.”
“The plane took off despite the storm.”
Take away
“They took away all the old furniture.”
“The teacher took away his phone during class.”
“What I took away from the talk was hope.”
“She ordered food to take away from the restaurant.”
Take on
“She took on extra work to help the team.”
“He took on the champion in a tough match.”
“The project took on a new meaning after the feedback.”
“They took on too much and got overwhelmed.”
Take back
“She took back her old job after a break.”
“He took back his rude comment after apologizing.”
“This song takes me back to my childhood.”
“They took back the defective product.”
Take in
“He took in everything the teacher said.”
“She took in a stray cat from the street.”
“They took him in with a clever trick.”
“The tailor took in the pants to fit better.”
Take down
“She took down the notes during the lecture.”
“He took down the tent after camping.”
“The wrestler took down his opponent quickly.”
“They took down the old sign from the building.”
Take to
“She took to her new teacher immediately.”
“He took to running every morning.”
“They took to each other at the party.”
Take after
“He takes after his father in looks.”
“She takes after her mother’s kindness.”
“The puppy takes after its playful parents.”
Take with
“She took with her a sense of adventure.”
“He took with him all his tools.”
“You’ll need to take it with a grain of salt.”
Take off
“The plane took off on time.”
“Her career took off after the promotion.”
“He took off for a few days to relax.”
“The kids took off running when they saw the park.”
Take up
“She took up painting in her free time.”
“He took up the whole sofa with his books.”
“They took up dancing to stay active.”
Take out
“We took out to celebrate her birthday.”
“He took out the trash before leaving.”
“She took out a loan to buy the car.”
Take up with
“She took up with a new group of friends.”
“He took up with a questionable crowd.”
“They took up with the local charity.”
Take out on
“He took his frustration out on his brother.”
“She took her bad day out on the dog.”
“Don’t take it out on me; it’s not my fault!”
Take over from
“She took over from the previous manager.”
“He took over from his retiring boss.”
“They took over from the old team last month.”