Come の句動詞をマスターする!come up 、 come out 、come over

Come の句動詞をマスターしたい!

英語の句動詞(Phrasal Verbs)は、動詞に前置詞や副詞(またはその両方)が組み合わさって、新しい意味を作り出す表現。句動詞は日常会話やカジュアルな文章でよく使われ、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な響きがある。ただし、その意味が単語の組み合わせから直感的に推測しにくい場合もあるため、学習者にとっては覚えるのが少し難しい部分もある。


  1. 意味の多様性: 同じ動詞でも、付く前置詞や副詞によって意味が大きく変わる(例: “come up” = 出てくる、”come down” = 下がる)。
  2. 分離可能性: 他動詞の場合、目的語が句動詞の間に挟まるか後ろにくるかで文法が変わることがある(例: “pick up the book” または “pick it up”)。
  3. 文脈依存: 状況や文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある。

分離不可能な句動詞 (Inseparable Phrasal Verbs)


Come across

偶然出会うか、特定の印象を与えることを指す。同義語: stumble upon, seem。
“I came across an old photo.”

“He comes across as a kind person.”

“She came across a rare book in the library.”

Come over

訪問する、または感情が襲うことを意味する。同義語: visit, overtake。
“Why don’t you come over tonight?”

“He came over to help with the project.”

“A strange feeling came over me.”

Come through

困難を乗り越えるか、何かが届く・果たされることを表す。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: survive, deliver, fulfill。
“He came through a tough time.”

“The money came through just in time.”

“She came through her promise to help.”

Come between

人と人の間に入る、または関係を妨げることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: interfere, separate。
“Nothing can come between their friendship.”

“She didn’t want money to come between them.”

“A misunderstanding came between the couple.”

自動詞型の句動詞 (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)


Come to

意識を取り戻す、またはある結論や状態に至ることを指す。目的語を取らない。同義語: wake up, arrive at。
“She came to after the coma.”

“He came to when we splashed water on his face.”

“They came to an agreement after hours of discussion.”

Come at

攻撃的に向かってきたり、勢いよく近づくことを表す。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: charge at, approach。
“The dog came at me suddenly.”

“She came at him with a knife in her hand.”

“The questions came at me so fast I couldn’t think.”

Come by

場所に立ち寄るか、何かが手に入ることを意味する。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: drop by, obtain。
“He comes by our house sometimes.”

“She came by to drop off some books.”

“Jobs like this don’t come by every day.”

Come with

一緒に来るか、何かに付属していることを示す。目的語を取らない用法あり。同義語: accompany, include。
“This set comes with instructions.”

“The car comes with a two-year warranty.”

“He came with his sister to the party.”

Come up

話題に上がる、発生する、または物理的に上昇することを指す。目的語を取らない。同義語: arise, emerge, rise。
“The issue came up in the meeting.”

“A great opportunity came up at work.”

“The sun came up over the horizon.”

Come down

下がる、降りる、または落ち着くことを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: descend, decrease, settle。
“The rain finally came down.”

“Prices have come down since last year.”

“He came down from the ladder carefully.”

Come out

公開される、出てくる、または結果が明らかになることを表す。目的語を取らない。同義語: appear, be released, reveal。
“The new book comes out next month.”

“The truth came out after years of secrecy.”

“The stain didn’t come out after washing.”

Come back

戻ってくる、または記憶や状況が復活することを示す。目的語を取らない。同義語: return, recover, resurface。
“He came back from the trip yesterday.”

“Memories of childhood came back to her.”

“The team came back to win the game.”

Come around

意見に同意する、または現れる・訪問することを示す。目的語を取らない。同義語: agree, show up。
“She came around to my opinion.”

“He comes around every weekend.”

“The cat came around after hiding all day.”

Come about

何かが起こる、発生することを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: happen, occur。
“How did this situation come about?”

“The change came about after years of effort.”

“It came about quite unexpectedly.”

Come along

進む、一緒に来る、または偶然現れることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: progress, accompany, appear。
“The project is coming along nicely.”

“Come along with us to the park!”

“A good deal came along at the right time.”

Come apart

バラバラになる、崩れることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: break apart, fall apart。
“The old book came apart in my hands.”

“Her plan came apart after the mistake.”

“The toy came apart after rough play.”

3語の句動詞 (Three-Word Phrasal Verbs)


Come up with

アイデアや解決策を考え出すことを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: devise, think of。
“She came up with a great idea.”

“We need to come up with a plan by tomorrow.”

“He came up with an excuse for being late.”

Come out of

ある状態や場所から出てくる、または結果として生じることを指す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: emerge from, result from。
“He came out of that tough situation.”

“A butterfly came out of the cocoon.”

“Nothing good came out of their argument.”

Come down with

病気などにかかることを表す。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: catch, fall ill with。
“I came down with a cold.”

“She came down with the flu last week.”

“He’s coming down with something; he looks pale.”

Come up against

問題や障害に直面することを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: encounter, face。
“We came up against an unexpected problem.”

“She came up against strong competition.”

“They came up against a brick wall in their research.”


Come across
“I came across an old photo.”

“He comes across as a kind person.”

“She came across a rare book in the library.”

Come over
“Why don’t you come over tonight?”

“He came over to help with the project.”

“A strange feeling came over me.”

Come through
“He came through a tough time.”

“The money came through just in time.”

“She came through her promise to help.”

Come between
“Nothing can come between their friendship.”

“She didn’t want money to come between them.”

“A misunderstanding came between the couple.”

Come to
“She came to after the coma.”

“He came to when we splashed water on his face.”

“They came to an agreement after hours of discussion.”

Come at
“The dog came at me suddenly.”

“She came at him with a knife in her hand.”

“The questions came at me so fast I couldn’t think.”

Come by
“He comes by our house sometimes.”

“She came by to drop off some books.”

“Jobs like this don’t come by every day.”

Come with
“This set comes with instructions.”

“The car comes with a two-year warranty.”

“He came with his sister to the party.”

Come up
“The issue came up in the meeting.”

“A great opportunity came up at work.”

“The sun came up over the horizon.”

Come down
“The rain finally came down.”

“Prices have come down since last year.”

“He came down from the ladder carefully.”

Come out
“The new book comes out next month.”

“The truth came out after years of secrecy.”

“The stain didn’t come out after washing.”

Come back
“He came back from the trip yesterday.”

“Memories of childhood came back to her.”

“The team came back to win the game.”

Come around
“She came around to my opinion.”

“He comes around every weekend.”

“The cat came around after hiding all day.”

Come about
“How did this situation come about?”

“The change came about after years of effort.”

“It came about quite unexpectedly.”

Come along
“The project is coming along nicely.”

“Come along with us to the park!”

“A good deal came along at the right time.”

Come apart
“The old book came apart in my hands.”

“Her plan came apart after the mistake.”

“The toy came apart after rough play.”

Come up with
“She came up with a great idea.”

“We need to come up with a plan by tomorrow.”

“He came up with an excuse for being late.”

Come out of
“He came out of that tough situation.”

“A butterfly came out of the cocoon.”

“Nothing good came out of their argument.”

Come down with
“I came down with a cold.”

“She came down with the flu last week.”

“He’s coming down with something; he looks pale.”

Come up against
“We came up against an unexpected problem.”

“She came up against strong competition.”

“They came up against a brick wall in their research.”