Run の句動詞を勉強するよ!run over 、 run out 、run up

Run の句動詞を勉強してみるよ!

英語の句動詞(Phrasal Verbs)は、動詞に前置詞や副詞(またはその両方)が組み合わさって、新しい意味を作り出す表現。句動詞は日常会話やカジュアルな文章でよく使われ、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な響きがある。ただし、その意味が単語の組み合わせから直感的に推測しにくい場合もあるため、学習者にとっては覚えるのが少し難しい部分もある。


  • 文脈依存: 状況や文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある。
  • 意味の多様性: 同じ動詞でも、付く前置詞や副詞によって意味が大きく変わる(例: “come up” = 出てくる、”come down” = 下がる)。
  • 分離可能性: 他動詞の場合、目的語が句動詞の間に挟まるか後ろにくるかで文法が変わることがある(例: “pick up the book” または “pick it up”)。

① 分離可能な句動詞 (Separable Phrasal Verbs)

目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it over”)。

Run over

何かを車で轢く、または詳しく調べることを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it over”)。同義語: hit, review。

“The car ran over a small rock.”

“She ran over the cat by accident.”

“Let’s run over the details one more time.”

“He ran over the script before the rehearsal.”

“The truck ran over the edge of the road.”

Run out

何かをすべて使い切ることを意味するが、自動詞用法(”run out” で「尽きる」)もある。目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it out”)。同義語: use up, exhaust。

“She ran out the last of the paint.”

“We ran out the supplies before noon.”

“He ran out his energy during the race.”

Run up

何かを急いで作る、または借金を増やすことを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it up”)。同義語: accumulate, create quickly。

“She ran up a dress for the party.”

“He ran up a huge bill at the bar.”

“They ran up the flag before the game.”

Run through

何かを練習する、素早く確認する、または貫くことを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it through”)。同義語: rehearse, review, pierce。

“Let’s run through the lines again.”

“He ran through the list in five minutes.”

“She ran through the budget with the team.”

“The sword ran through the target.”

“They ran through the plan step by step.”

Run down

何かを批判する、疲れさせる、轢く、または追跡することを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “run it down”)。同義語: criticize, exhaust, hit, track down。

“He ran down his opponent in the speech.”

“The long day ran her down completely.”

“The car ran down a pedestrian by mistake.”

“She ran down the list of tasks quickly.”

“They ran down the suspect after a chase.”

② 分離不可能な句動詞 (Inseparable Phrasal Verbs)

Run into

偶然出会う、または問題にぶつかることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: encounter, bump into。

“I ran into an old friend at the store.”

“She ran into him on the way home.”

“We ran into some trouble with the project.”

“He ran into a wall while running.”

“They ran into unexpected delays.”

Run after

何かを追いかけることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: chase, pursue。

“She ran after the bus but missed it.”

“He ran after the dog down the street.”

“They ran after the thief who stole the bag.”

Run on

何かに依存する、または長く続くことを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: depend on, continue。

“This car runs on electricity.”

“The meeting ran on longer than expected.”

“She runs on coffee every morning.”

Run across

何かに偶然出会うことを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: come across, stumble upon。

“I ran across an old photo in the drawer.”

“She ran across a rare book at the shop.”

“He ran across some useful info online.”

③ 自動詞型の句動詞 (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)

Run away

逃げる、または家出することを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: escape, flee。

“He ran away from home at sixteen.”

“The thief ran away when the police arrived.”

“She ran away to avoid the argument.”

Run out

何かが尽きる、なくなることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: expire, be depleted。

“We ran out of milk this morning.”

“Time ran out before we finished.”

“Their patience ran out after hours of waiting.”

Run off

逃げる、または急いで去ることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: flee, dash off。

“The kids ran off when they saw the teacher.”

“He ran off after hearing the news.”

“She ran off to catch the train.”

Run around

忙しく動き回ることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: rush around, bustle。

“She’s been running around all day.”

“We ran around trying to finish everything.”

“He runs around like he owns the place.”

Run along

立ち去る、または物事が進むことを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: leave, proceed。

“Run along now, it’s getting late.”

“The kids ran along after the game.”

“Things are running along smoothly.”

④ 3語の句動詞 (Three-Word Phrasal Verbs)

Run away with

何かを盗んで逃げる、または感情に支配されることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: steal and flee, be overwhelmed by。

“The thief ran away with my wallet.”

“Her imagination ran away with her.”

“They ran away with the prize money.”

Run out of

何かが尽きる、なくなることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: use up, deplete。

“We ran out of gas on the highway.”

“She ran out of ideas for the story.”

“He ran out of time to finish the test.”

Run off with

誰かと駆け落ちする、または何かを持って逃げることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: elope, steal and flee。

“She ran off with her boyfriend last night.”

“The bandit ran off with the gold.”

“He ran off with my best jacket!”

Run up against

問題や障害に直面することを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: encounter, face。

“We ran up against some technical issues.”

“She ran up against tough competition.”

“They ran up against a strict deadline.”


Run over
“The car ran over a small rock.”

“She ran over the cat by accident.”

“Let’s run over the details one more time.”

“He ran over the script before the rehearsal.”

“The truck ran over the edge of the road.”

Run out
“She ran out the last of the paint.”

“We ran out the supplies before noon.”

“He ran out his energy during the race.”

Run up
“She ran up a dress for the party.”

“He ran up a huge bill at the bar.”

“They ran up the flag before the game.”

Run through
“Let’s run through the lines again.”

“He ran through the list in five minutes.”

“She ran through the budget with the team.”

“The sword ran through the target.”

“They ran through the plan step by step.”

Run down
“He ran down his opponent in the speech.”

“The long day ran her down completely.”

“The car ran down a pedestrian by mistake.”

“She ran down the list of tasks quickly.”

“They ran down the suspect after a chase.”

Run into
“I ran into an old friend at the store.”

“She ran into him on the way home.”

“We ran into some trouble with the project.”

“He ran into a wall while running.”

“They ran into unexpected delays.”

Run after
“She ran after the bus but missed it.”

“He ran after the dog down the street.”

“They ran after the thief who stole the bag.”

Run on
“This car runs on electricity.”

“The meeting ran on longer than expected.”

“She runs on coffee every morning.”

Run across
“I ran across an old photo in the drawer.”

“She ran across a rare book at the shop.”

“He ran across some useful info online.”

Run away
“He ran away from home at sixteen.”

“The thief ran away when the police arrived.”

“She ran away to avoid the argument.”

Run out
“We ran out of milk this morning.”

“Time ran out before we finished.”

“Their patience ran out after hours of waiting.”

Run off
“The kids ran off when they saw the teacher.”

“He ran off after hearing the news.”

“She ran off to catch the train.”

Run around
“She’s been running around all day.”

“We ran around trying to finish everything.”

“He runs around like he owns the place.”

Run along
“Run along now, it’s getting late.”

“The kids ran along after the game.”

“Things are running along smoothly.”

Run away with
“The thief ran away with my wallet.”

“Her imagination ran away with her.”

“They ran away with the prize money.”

Run out of
“We ran out of gas on the highway.”

“She ran out of ideas for the story.”

“He ran out of time to finish the test.”

Run off with
“She ran off with her boyfriend last night.”

“The bandit ran off with the gold.”

“He ran off with my best jacket!”

Run up against
“We ran up against some technical issues.”

“She ran up against tough competition.”

“They ran up against a strict deadline.”