Go の句動詞をまなびたい!Go away、 Go over、 Go up
Go の句動詞をまなびたいよ!
英語の句動詞(Phrasal Verbs)は、動詞に前置詞や副詞(またはその両方)が組み合わさって、新しい意味を作り出す表現。句動詞は日常会話やカジュアルな文章でよく使われ、ネイティブスピーカーにとっては自然な響きがある。ただし、その意味が単語の組み合わせから直感的に推測しにくい場合もあるため、学習者にとっては覚えるのが少し難しい部分もある。
- 意味の多様性: 同じ動詞でも、付く前置詞や副詞によって意味が大きく変わる(例: “come up” = 出てくる、”come down” = 下がる)。
- 分離可能性: 他動詞の場合、目的語が句動詞の間に挟まるか後ろにくるかで文法が変わることがある(例: “pick up the book” または “pick it up”)。
- 文脈依存: 状況や文脈によって意味が異なる場合がある。
① 分離可能な句動詞 (Separable Phrasal Verbs)
目的語を間に挟める(例: “go it over”)
go over
何かを詳しく調べる、確認する、または超えることを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “go it over”)。同義語: review, examine, exceed。
“She went over the report before the meeting.”
“We need to go over these numbers again.”
“He went over the speed limit by accident.”
“They went over the plan with the team.”
“The kids went over the fence to get the ball.”
Go through
何かを経験する、調べる、または使い切ることを意味する。目的語を間に挟める(例: “go it through”)。同義語: experience, check, use up。
“She went through a tough breakup last year.”
“He went through the documents carefully.”
“We went through all the snacks in an hour.”
“They went through the procedure step by step.”
“The proposal went through many revisions.”
Go off
爆発する、鳴る、または腐ることを意味するが、目的語を取る用法では「消す」「始める」も含む。目的語を間に挟める(例: “go it off”)。同義語: explode, sound, spoil, turn off。
“The bomb went off in the distance.”
“The alarm went off at 6 a.m.”
“The milk went off after a week.”
“She went off the lights before leaving.”
“He went off the project after losing interest.”
Go out
外出する、消える、または交際することを意味するが、目的語を取る用法では「取り除く」も含む。目的語を間に挟める(例: “go it out”)。同義語: leave, extinguish, date, remove。
“We went out for dinner last night.”
“The fire went out after an hour.”
“They’ve been going out for six months.”
“She went out the stain with some soap.”
“He went out the old rules to start fresh.”
② 分離不可能な句動詞 (Inseparable Phrasal Verbs)
Go after
何かを追い求める、または攻撃することを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: pursue, chase, attack。
“She went after her dream job.”
“He went after the thief down the street.”
“They went after the rival team with full force.”
Go against
何かに反対する、または不利になることを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: oppose, contradict。
“He went against his parents’ advice.”
“This decision goes against our values.”
“Luck went against them in the game.”
Go by
時間が過ぎる、または何かに基づくことを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: pass, rely on。
“Time goes by so quickly these days.”
“She goes by her instincts in tough situations.”
“We went by the rules they set.”
Go with
何かに合う、または一緒に行くことを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: match, accompany。
“This shirt goes with those pants.”
“I’ll go with you to the party.”
“She went with his suggestion in the end.”
Go without
何かがなくても我慢する、なしで済ますことを意味する。目的語を間に挟めない。同義語: do without, manage without。
“We went without food for a whole day.”
“He can’t go without his morning coffee.”
“They went without help during the crisis.”
③ 自動詞型の句動詞 (Intransitive Phrasal Verbs)
Go up
上昇する、増える、または近づくことを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: rise, increase, approach。
“Prices went up after the new year.”
“The balloon went up into the sky.”
“She went up to the stage nervously.”
Go down
下がる、沈む、または評判が落ちることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: fall, sink, decline。
“The temperature went down overnight.”
“The ship went down in the storm.”
“His reputation went down after the scandal.”
Go on
続ける、起こる、または進むことを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: continue, happen, proceed。意味が多いため例文を5つ。
“She went on talking despite the interruption.”
“What’s going on over there?”
“He went on to win the championship.”
“The show must go on no matter what.”
“They went on until midnight.”
Go back
戻る、または過去に遡ることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: return, revert。
“We went back home after the party.”
“This tradition goes back centuries.”
“She went back to sleep after the call.”
Go away
去る、消えることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: leave, disappear。
“He went away for the weekend.”
“The pain went away after a while.”
“They told the dog to go away.”
Go around
回る、広がる、または十分あることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: circulate, spread, suffice。
“We went around the park this morning.”
“Rumors are going around about the new boss.”
“There’s enough food to go around.”
Go about
何かに取り組む、または動き回ることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: handle, move around。
“How do you go about fixing this?”
“She went about her work quietly.”
“He went about town looking for a job.”
Go ahead
先に進む、または許可を与えることを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: proceed, allow。
“They went ahead with the plan.”
“Go ahead and take the last slice.”
“She went ahead despite the warnings.”
Go under
沈む、または倒産することを意味する。目的語を取らない。同義語: sink, fail。
“The boat went under in minutes.”
“The company went under after the crash.”
“He nearly went under during the storm.”
④ 3語の句動詞 (Three-Word Phrasal Verbs)
Go along with
同意する、または一緒に進むことを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: agree with, accompany。
“She went along with his plan reluctantly.”
“I’ll go along with you to the store.”
“They went along with the majority vote.”
Go back on
約束を破る、または撤回することを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: break, retract。
“He went back on his promise to help.”
“She won’t go back on her word.”
“They went back on the deal at the last minute.”
Go out with
誰かと交際する、または一緒に出かけることを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: date, accompany。
“She’s been going out with him for a year.”
“We went out with friends last night.”
“He asked her to go out with him.”
Go down with
病気にかかる、または一緒に沈むことを意味する。動詞+副詞+前置詞。同義語: catch, sink with。
“He went down with a bad cold.”
“The crew went down with the ship.”
“She went down with the flu yesterday.”
Go over
“She went over the report before the meeting.”
“We need to go over these numbers again.”
“He went over the speed limit by accident.”
“They went over the plan with the team.”
“The kids went over the fence to get the ball.”
Go through
“She went through a tough breakup last year.”
“He went through the documents carefully.”
“We went through all the snacks in an hour.”
“They went through the procedure step by step.”
“The proposal went through many revisions.”
Go off
“The bomb went off in the distance.”
“The alarm went off at 6 a.m.”
“The milk went off after a week.”
“She went off the lights before leaving.”
“He went off the project after losing interest.”
Go out
“We went out for dinner last night.”
“The fire went out after an hour.”
“They’ve been going out for six months.”
“She went out the stain with some soap.”
“He went out the old rules to start fresh.”
Go after
“She went after her dream job.”
“He went after the thief down the street.”
“They went after the rival team with full force.”
Go against
“He went against his parents’ advice.”
“This decision goes against our values.”
“Luck went against them in the game.”
Go by
“Time goes by so quickly these days.”
“She goes by her instincts in tough situations.”
“We went by the rules they set.”
Go with
“This shirt goes with those pants.”
“I’ll go with you to the party.”
“She went with his suggestion in the end.”
Go without
“We went without food for a whole day.”
“He can’t go without his morning coffee.”
“They went without help during the crisis.”
Go up
“Prices went up after the new year.”
“The balloon went up into the sky.”
“She went up to the stage nervously.”
Go down
“The temperature went down overnight.”
“The ship went down in the storm.”
“His reputation went down after the scandal.”
Go on
“She went on talking despite the interruption.”
“What’s going on over there?”
“He went on to win the championship.”
“The show must go on no matter what.”
“They went on until midnight.”
Go back
“We went back home after the party.”
“This tradition goes back centuries.”
“She went back to sleep after the call.”
Go away
“He went away for the weekend.”
“The pain went away after a while.”
“They told the dog to go away.”
Go around
“We went around the park this morning.”
“Rumors are going around about the new boss.”
“There’s enough food to go around.”
Go about
“How do you go about fixing this?”
“She went about her work quietly.”
“He went about town looking for a job.”
Go ahead
“They went ahead with the plan.”
“Go ahead and take the last slice.”
“She went ahead despite the warnings.”
Go under
“The boat went under in minutes.”
“The company went under after the crash.”
“He nearly went under during the storm.”
Go along with
“She went along with his plan reluctantly.”
“I’ll go along with you to the store.”
“They went along with the majority vote.”
Go back on
“He went back on his promise to help.”
“She won’t go back on her word.”
“They went back on the deal at the last minute.”
Go out with
“She’s been going out with him for a year.”
“We went out with friends last night.”
“He asked her to go out with him.”
Go down with
“He went down with a bad cold.”
“The crew went down with the ship.”
“She went down with the flu yesterday.”