「前置詞 + 関係代名詞 which」の使い方!口語ではどうなる?in which 、for which 、to which
in which とか for which とかよくわからないよ!
「in which」「on which」「at which」といった「前置詞 + 関係代名詞 which」の構造をまとめてみました。特に「代用」と「口語」にフォーカスしつつ、頻度や文脈の情報を明確にしています。
1. 基本の仕組み
- 構造: 「前置詞 + which」は、関係代名詞「which」が先行詞(物や事柄)を修飾し、前置詞が関係性を具体化する。例えば、The house in which I live(私が住む家)では、「which」が「house」を修飾し、「in」が「house」と「I live」の関係性を「の中に」と示している。
- 特徴: フォーマル寄り。口語では「which」を「that」に変えたり、前置詞を文末に移動したり、省略したりする。
- ポイント: 前置詞は動詞や状況との相性で決まる。
2. 前置詞 + Which のパターン一覧
(1) よく使われるパターン(頻度高)
前置詞 + Which | 意味・用法 | 例文 | 注釈 |
in which | ~の中で | The house in which I live is old. | 「中に」を示す。「live」「stay」「work」などと相性良い。 |
on which | ~の上に | The table on which the book lies is new. | 「表面上」を示す。「lie」「stand」「rest」などと自然。 |
at which | ~で、~に | The moment at which she smiled was perfect. | 場所や時間の「点」を示す。「look」「arrive」「smile」などと合う。 |
to which | ~へ、~に | The city to which I moved is beautiful. | 方向や対象。「move」「go」「travel」などと合う。 |
from which | ~から | The village from which he came was small. | 起点。「come」「return」「escape」などとセットで多い。 |
for which | ~のために | The reason for which I stayed is clear. | 目的や理由。「stay」「wait」「fight」などと合う。 |
with which | ~を使って | The pen with which I wrote this is new. | 道具。「write」「cut」「draw」などと合う。 |
of which | ~の、~に関する | The book, the cover of which is red, is mine. | 所有や属性。「cover」「part」「title」などと合う。 |
(2) 頻度が低め・特定の文脈で使われるパターン
前置詞 + Which | 意味・用法 | 例文 | 注釈 |
by which | ~によって | The method by which we solve this is effective. | 手段。技術文書や論文で多用。 |
through which | ~を通じて | The channel through which we communicate is secure. | 経路やプロセス。フォーマルな記述向け。 |
under which | ~の下で(条件) | The conditions under which we work are tough. | 状況や規則。法律や契約で登場。 |
during which | ~の間に | The period during which I was sick was awful. | 時間範囲。フォーマルな時間記述。 |
against which | ~に反対して | The rule against which we fought was unfair. | 対立や接触。議論や物理的文脈で稀に。 |
beyond which | ~を超えて | The limit beyond which we can’t go is clear. | 限界。哲学的・抽象的話題で使用。 |
3. 前置詞を文末に置く代用と口語での変化
「前置詞 + which」のフォーマルな形をカジュアルにする方法の一つで、前置詞を文末に移動させたり、さらに「which」を省略して自然な会話調に変化させる。
- 文をカジュアルにしたい時、特に会話やインフォーマルな文章でフォーマルさを避ける場合。
- 前置詞が動詞と強く結びついている場合(例: “live in” “look at”)で、ネイティブが自然に文末に置く語順を好む時。
- 関係詞節が長く、簡潔にして読み手や聞き手の負担を減らす必要がある時。
- in which
- 例: The house in which I live is old.
- 代用: The house which I live in is old.
- より口語: The house I live in is old.
- さらに簡略: My house is old.
- on which
- 例: The table on which the book lies is new.
- 代用: The table which the book lies on is new.
- より口語: The table the book lies on is new.
- さらに簡略: The table with the book on it is new.
- at which
- 例: The moment at which she smiled was perfect.
- 代用: The moment which she smiled at was perfect.
- より口語: The moment she smiled at was perfect.
- さらに簡略: When she smiled was perfect.
- to which
- 例: The city to which I moved is beautiful.
- 代用: The city which I moved to is beautiful.
- より口語: The city I moved to is beautiful.
- さらに簡略: My new city is beautiful.
- from which
- 例: The village from which he came was small.
- 代用: The village which he came from was small.
- より口語: The village he came from was small.
- さらに簡略: His hometown is small.
- for which
- 例: The reason for which I stayed is clear.
- 代用: The reason which I stayed for is clear.
- より口語: The reason I stayed for is clear.
- さらに簡略: Why I stayed is clear.
- with which
- 例: The pen with which I wrote this is new.
- 代用: The pen which I wrote this with is new.
- より口語: The pen I wrote this with is new.
- さらに簡略: The pen I used is new.
- of which
- 例: The book, the cover of which is red, is mine.
- 代用: The book whose cover is red is mine.
- より口語: The book with the red cover is mine.
- by which
- 例: The method by which we solve this is effective.
- 代用: The method which we solve this by is effective.
- より口語: The method we solve this by is effective.
- さらに簡略: How we solve this is effective.
- through which
- 例: The channel through which we communicate is secure.
- 代用: The channel which we communicate through is secure.
- より口語: The channel we communicate through is secure.
- さらに簡略: Our communication channel is secure.
- under which
- 例: The conditions under which we work are tough.
- 代用: The conditions which we work under are tough.
- より口語: The conditions we work under are tough.
- さらに簡略: Our working conditions are tough.
- during which
- 例: The period during which I was sick was awful.
- 代用: The period which I was sick during was awful.
- より口語: The period I was sick during was awful.
- さらに簡略: When I was sick was awful.
- against which
- 例: The rule against which we fought was unfair.
- 代用: The rule which we fought against was unfair.
- より口語: The rule we fought against was unfair.
- さらに簡略: The rule we opposed was unfair.
- beyond which
- 例: The limit beyond which we can’t go is clear.
- 代用: The limit which we can’t go beyond is clear.
- より口語: The limit we can’t go beyond is clear.
- さらに簡略: Our limit is clear.
4. That での代用
- フォーマルな「前置詞 + which」よりもカジュアルなトーンを好む時、特に会話や日常的な文章で。
- 「that」が制限用法(カンマなしの必須情報)で使われる場合に自然。
- 前置詞と動詞の結びつきが強い表現で、文末移動が違和感ない時。
- in which
- 例: The house in which I live is old.
- “that”で代用: The house that I live in is old.
- on which
- 例: The table on which the book lies is new.
- “that”で代用: The table that the book lies on is new.
- at which
- 例: The moment at which she smiled was perfect.
- “that”で代用: The moment that she smiled at was perfect.
- to which
- 例: The city to which I moved is beautiful.
- “that”で代用: The city that I moved to is beautiful.
- from which
- 例: The village from which he came was small.
- “that”で代用: The village that he came from was small.
- for which
- 例: The reason for which I stayed is clear.
- “that”で代用: The reason that I stayed for is clear.
- with which
- 例: The pen with which I wrote this is new.
- “that”で代用: The pen that I wrote this with is new.
- of which
- 例: The book, the cover of which is red, is mine.
- “that”で代用: The book that the cover of is red is mine.(不自然なので通常不可)。
- by which
- 例: The method by which we solve this is effective.
- “that”で代用: The method that we solve this by is effective.
- through which
- 例: The channel through which we communicate is secure.
- “that”で代用: The channel that we communicate through is secure.
- under which
- 例: The conditions under which we work are tough.
- “that”で代用: The conditions that we work under are tough.
- during which
- 例: The period during which I was sick was awful.
- “that”で代用: The period that I was sick during was awful.
- against which
- 例: The rule against which we fought was unfair.
- “that”で代用: The rule that we fought against was unfair.
- beyond which
- 例: The limit beyond which we can’t go is clear.
- “that”で代用: The limit that we can’t go beyond is clear.
5. 他の関係詞での代用
「前置詞 + which」を「where」「whose」「when」「how」などの関係詞で置き換える方法。先行詞の種類(場所、所有、時間、方法など)に依存し、前置詞を省略して簡潔にする。
- 先行詞が場所、時間、理由、方法など、特定の関係詞に適合する意味を持つ場合。
- 前置詞のニュアンスが文脈で補えるか、なくても意味が通じる時。
- より自然で簡潔な表現を求める会話やカジュアルな文脈で。
(1) よく使われるパターン(頻度高)
- in which → where(場所)
- 例: The house in which I live is old.
- 代用: The house where I live is old.
- 条件: 先行詞が場所(house, room, cityなど)を指す。「in」の「中にある」を「where」が吸収。
- in which → when(時間)
- 例: The year in which I was born was 1990.
- 代用: The year when I was born was 1990.
- 条件: 先行詞が時間(year, period, timeなど)を指す。「in」の「その中で」を「when」が「その時に」として自然に置き換え。
- on which → where(場所)
- 例: The table on which the book lies is new.
- 代用: The table where the book lies is new.
- 条件: 先行詞が場所(table, shelfなど)で、位置関係が文脈でわかる。「on」のニュアンスが弱まる。
- at which → where(場所)
- 例: The place at which we met was crowded.
- 代用: The place where we met was crowded.
- 条件: 先行詞が場所(place, spot, pointなど)を指す。「at」の「特定の点」が「where」に移行。
- at which → when(時間)
- 例: The moment at which she smiled was perfect.
- 代用: The moment when she smiled was perfect.
- 条件: 先行詞が時間(moment, time, dayなど)を指す。「at」の「特定の点」が「when」に移行。
- to which → where
- 例: The city to which I moved is beautiful.
- 代用: The city where I moved is beautiful.
- 条件: 先行詞が場所(city, townなど)で移動先を示す。「to」の方向性が省略される。
- from which
- 例: The village from which he came was small.
- 代用: 「where」などでは直接置き換え不可。「from」の起点が必須。
- for which → why
- 例: The reason for which I stayed is clear.
- 代用: The reason why I stayed is clear.
- 条件: 先行詞が理由(reason, causeなど)を指す。「for」が「why」に簡潔化。
- with which
- 例: The pen with which I wrote this is new.
- 代用: 「where」「whose」などでは置き換え不可。「with」の道具が特殊。
- of which → whose
- 例: The book, the cover of which is red, is mine.
- 代用: The book whose cover is red is mine.
- 条件: 所有や部分関係を示す。物にも使える。
(2) 低頻度、限定的、使えないパターン
- on which → when
- 例: The day on which we met was rainy.
- 代用: The day when we met was rainy.
- 条件: 先行詞が時間(day, occasionなど)で、「on」が特定の日を指す場合。「on」の「その上での出来事」が「when」に置き換え可能だが限定的。
- by which → how
- 例: The method by which we solve this is effective.
- 代用: The method how we solve this is effective.(やや不自然)。
- 条件: 先行詞が方法(method, wayなど)を指す。自然には The way we solve this が好まれる。
- through which → where
- 例: The channel through which we communicate is secure.
- 代用: The channel where we communicate is secure.
- 条件: 経路が場所的(channel, pathなど)と解釈可能。「through」が弱まる。
- under which
- 例: The conditions under which we work are tough.
- 代用: 「where」「when」などでは置き換え不可。「under」の条件が必須。
- during which → when
- 例: The period during which I was sick was awful.
- 代用: The period when I was sick was awful.
- 条件: 先行詞が時間(period, timeなど)を指す。「during」が「when」に。
- against which
- 例: The rule against which we fought was unfair.
- 代用: 「where」「how」などでは置き換え不可。「against」の対立が必須。
- beyond which
- 例: The limit beyond which we can’t go is clear.
- 代用: 「where」「when」などでは置き換え不可。「beyond」の「超える」が特殊。
- where: 場所を示す「in/on/at/to which」に適用。例: The park in which we played → The park where we played.
- when: 時間を示す「in/at/during/on which」に適用。例: The day at which we met → The day when we met.
- why: 理由を示す「for which」に適用。例: The reason for which he left → The reason why he left.
- how: 方法を示す「by which」に適用(制限的)。例: The way by which we did it → The way how we did it(The way we did it が自然)。
- whose: 所有を示す「of which」に適用。例: The car, the engine of which is broken → The car whose engine is broken.